Fremont Monday 1-30-23 Subject: Tax Reform

All are welcome to attend a meeting tonight of the Dodge County GOP at the  LA Fireproof Door, starting with a social ½ hour  at 5:30.  At 6:00 Rob Rohrbough, President of the Consumption Tax Institute and informed tax expert Mark Bonkiewicz will make comments explaining the EPIC proposal and will take your questions.  EPIC stands for Eliminate  Property, Income, and Corporate taxes.  Pertinent LB79 is now in the Nebraska Legislature Revenue Committee.  Many Nebraskans favor some change in our tax system.  Come learn about EPIC.   Taxes affect all Nebraskans, learn about this possible change.

For more information:

Dodge County GOP Chair:
Scott Eveland
2072 CO RD 14 BLVD   AMES NE 68621   (402) 720-1007

President of the Consumption Tax Institute:
Rob Rohrbough <>

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At August 20, 2022, SCC meeting, the NEGOP approved the 2023 Legislative Plan for Nebraska, 108th Legislature, 1st Regular Session, 2023.

Believing that… “Nebraskans deserve a better and brighter future. They desire policies that put them first instead of policies that stand in their way. The Nebraska Republican Party supports a Legislative plan building a path for a brighter tomorrow. We have full confidence in the potential of Nebraskans to create a future for themselves and their families filled with peace, prosperity, and opportunity.” To that extent, the 2023 Legislative Plan consists of seven bullet points to that end. For the next several weeks, these bullet points will bring focus to our platform and values creating messaging opportunities for the NEGOP and our candidates. We want the Republicans of Nebraska equipped with the knowledge of the 2023 Legislative plan and how this plan aligns with the NEGOP Platform “planks”. This plan will be our conservative values put into action towards the goal of influencing policy in our state. Below is the first bullet point to highlight:


Legislative Plan 2023


1. The foundation of our self-governance is liberty, and the core expression of the people’s liberty is the ability to cast their ballots in free and fair elections. Every eligible Nebraska voter should have the opportunity to cast one ballot at one time that is counted once. Anything that fails this simple test is a failure of the system, and people committing voter fraud must be held accountable.

o Require voters to have photo identification and eliminate ballot harvesting (2023 PHOTO ID INITIATIVE) (Sec of State Voter ID Ballot Initiative)

o Adopt ballot security measures to ensure no counterfeit ballot is counted

o Ban dark money groups from giving money to election officials to influence elections

o Allow people at the county level to determine how their votes are counted

o Change how Nebraska allocates its presidential electors to a “winner take all” system


1. NEGOP PLATFORM SUB-SECTION STATEMENT ON “ELECTIONS”: The integrity of elections is one of the most critical issues in our republic. To secure our elections for future generations, we support requiring government-issued picture ID for voting and proof of citizenship at the time of voter registration. To guard against unfair practices and guarantee an open and transparent auditing process, we support a requirement that each vote cast in all elections be documented by a paper record in addition to any digital ballot cast. Because of its potential for abuse and fraud, the Nebraska Republican Party opposes ballot harvesting. We oppose ranked-choice voting. The Nebraska Republican Party supports current state and local partisan elections and supports the expansion of partisan elections to all elected offices, including the state legislature.


Nebraskan’s want and need secure elections. Securing the election process continues to be a focal point not just in our state but in our country. Specifically, 36 states have passed voter ID legislation. In 2021, five states passed photo Voter ID legislation with over 71% of the voters voting “YES”. To help influence Election Accountability and Voter Verification in the 2023 Unicameral session, would you consider donating today? Your donation of $25 will go towards our efforts to pass the VOTER ID BALLOT INITIATIVE ON NOVEMBER 8TH.




Nebraska Republican Party,1610 N Street, Lincoln, NE, 68508

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Now is the time to Get Active, Get Involved & Step-up.

Join Dodge County Booster Club & get notified of all events.

Touch on the image, print out the application and mail, with your check to:

Dodge Cty GOP Party, POB 318, Fremont, NE 68026

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Taylor Gage

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